Tumblehome Talks

Science Enrichment at Home and After School

The Good in Our Community


One week ago today, Tumblehome Learning sponsored panel discussions for science readers and writers in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as part of the 2013 Cambridge Science Festival. There, people of all ages congregated to talk and listen about books and ideas that matter to them. Young kids did puzzles, constructed dinosaurs, and sat on their parents’ laps listening to science picture books.

Across the river, scores more people gathered to celebrate Patriot’s Day in a different way, cheering for runners at the Boston Marathon. But while teens talked in Cambridge about what books they might fit into their backpacks for reading, another Cambridge teen and his older brother were dropping backpacks containing bombs onto the Boston streets.

No matter where we were – Boston, Cambridge or anywhere else – no one will forget that afternoon. We hope that those who spent  time with our science writers will have something more to take from that day than the memory of a terrible tragedy. We would like to take this moment to offer our sympathy to all who are touched by these events and to voice our commitment to the joy of scientific inquiry, the power of reading, and the value of our community of learners. The more we inquire, understand, and share, the greater our capacity to do good. And the good in our community will always outshine the bad.

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